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View Full Version : Hello

02-08-2014, 03:22 PM
Have been lurking here for a few months and need to introduce myself. I have been a sim racer from the Indycar 2003 era. Moved on to rFactor and then rF2, where I'm still in learning mode. Tried iRacing for a few years but wasn't happy with the system and have let my subscription lapse as I found it too expensive.
I live in a small community in British Columbia and am a retired school teacher. I'm not a modder but am in awe at what MAK-Corp and others are able to accomplish, graphically. I like to support independent nodders with a donation here and there in appreciation for their efforts.

Petros Mak
02-08-2014, 03:39 PM
Hello Pablo and welcome to the forum. I hope you enjoy your stay here. I too wasn't too happy with the iRacing system, even the penalties system they have is god awful. rF2 and AC are the games I play mainly now.